Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Connor's Landform Blog

Hi, my name is Connor Shaw. I go to school at Bermudian Springs Elementry School  (B. S. E. S.) and I'm working on a Social Studies project at my school. I intend to create a blog about landforms that gives you a lot of information. I hope you enjoy my blog!

 I get all of my pictures from www.google.com/images


  1. Good Evening Connor! This is Dr. Hartzell. I really enjoyed your Blog. I used to live in Colorado and visited a famous land form in Utah on the Colorado Plateau. Do you think you could remind me of the name of this famous park?

  2. Is it the Grand Staircase? I would love to learn more about it. :)


  3. Thank you all for checking out and commenting on my blog.

